2021 Colloquium

1. Hyeyoon Cho-Making writing more interactive: An informative webpage writing activity of intermediate Korean learners

2021-12-21 17:44
Panelist: Hyeyoon Cho (University of Toronto, York University)
Discussant: Hyekyung Song (University of Manitoba)

With the advancement of technology, the employment of multimodal texts – a text consisting of two or more modes (New London Group, 1996) – in the form of online writing tools has become more accessible for language learners and teachers to use in their classes. Composing multimodal texts provides students with an opportunity to experiment with expressing their ideas and thoughts by constructing, controlling, and manipulating visual texts and symbols (Jewitt, 2006) in a second/foreign language. To create such an opportunity, a webpage writing assignment was designed for an intermediate Korean class. Students were encouraged to choose a topic related to Korean culture and language to present to their audience (i.e., other Korean learners). Students worked on the writing using Google Docs, and were encouraged to include some visual aids (photos and videos) to make the writing more interactive and engaging. Students engaged in two rounds of revision on their composition based on feedback from their peers and the instructor. They were encouraged to interact by replying to comments from reviewers. Students then created a webpage using Google Sites, which allowed them to create structured webpages. The links to the students' webpages were posted on the class' learning management system for classmates to see. How students perceived the writing assignment and peer feedback was investigated through a survey questionnaire. In this presentation, I will share the how the writing activity went and how it can be improved for future use.

Jewitt, C. (2006). Technology, literacy and learning: A multimodal approach. Oxon: Routledge.

New London Group. (1996). A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies: Designing Social Futures. Harvard Educational Review, 66, 60-92.