
Quiz on Korea on Oct 22 2-4pm

Yujeong Choi
2022-10-11 18:36
  • The Centre for the Study of Korea in the University of Toronto and Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Toronto are co-hosting 2022 Quiz on Korea, an online quiz event on Saturday, Oct. 22, 2022 at 2-4pm (EDT).
  • The Quiz on Korea is a participatory quiz contest for non-Koreans who study Korean language in Canada to enhance their interest in and knowledge on Korea and Korean culture.
  • Eligibility
    -  Any non-Korean who is 18 years or older (as of Oct. 22, 2022)
    -  Participants and their immediate families are NOT of Korean nationality or ethnicity
    -  Those who can speak both English and Korean (Most questions are English multiple choices.)
  • Prizes for the winners -  1st place: CAD 500 / 2nd place: CAD 400 / 3rd place: CAD 300 / 4th place : CAD 200 / 5th place : CAD 100 / 6th - 50th place: $10 online gift card
    * To be eligible for the 1st - 5th place prizes, you need a mailing address in Canada.
  • The online application is available until Oct. 20, 2022 at 11:59pm @ for 250 participants on a first-come first-served basis.
  • Register Link :
Total 27
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